

Yesterday at work, an RSS news feed popped in my in-box and the strange yet sad title beckoned me to at least giving it quick glance, which progressively turned into a thorough read. The title read "‘Friends’ torture, kill disabled woman". As I started to read further, I released there was much more to the story than the title suggested, which is unlike the usually sensationalistic principle of a news website, whose sole motivation is to say so little so dramatically so that people get drawn into reading the entire story. Now, the story itself was very sad, horrifying and immediately prompted a reaction of disgust, anger & the emergence of a deep seated cynicism for humans, in my head. Without getting into the gory details, basically, a woman in Pennsylvania who was mentally challenged, befriended a group of people, fell victim to their pranks, taunts and teasing which may have led to torture and eventually her death. My very first and basic reaction, like I mentioned ear


Fear is little known or identified as one of the strongest forces driving our society. It is a highly complex and hidden emotion capable of taking a multitude of forms, establishing itself in different ways in every person's mind, almost as if it is self-aware of the substantial role it plays and wants to remain unidentified and obscure to the naked eye. You may not all agree with this statement but chances are that by the time you finish reading the following passages, you may have had some of these described experiences that shall at least lead you to believe the reality of fear. Often, most of us can recognize only the very obvious, ever present physically/ socially metamorphosed form of fear. Be it the fear of the known or the unknown. In a free society, you may be repulsed at the idea of someone controlling you/influencing you by force or the very notion of having physical confrontations. Another such omni-present form of fear is what society and it's rules inadvertently i

Unite..atleast in the face of adversity

Although I have tried to restrict my "blog" to topics such as philosophy and other creative writing, a few news articles that I have been reading, have compelled me to write about the issue ..The Bhopal Gas Tragedy. I do not know how many are truly aware of this incident that had occurred a few decades ago. To be perfectly honest, as a kid I did hear about it on the news but until now I haven't had the curiosity to dig the facts deeper. I am grateful to a web site run by a group of satirical artists who call themselves "The Yes Men" to have helped me garner interest in this issue all over again. On December 3rd 1984, A Union Carbide subsidiary pesticide plant released 40 tonnes of methyl isocyanate (MIC) gas, killing approximately 3,800 people instantly in Bhopal, India. This is still considered as the worst industrial disaster in the history of our world. "Two decades later, more than 100,000 people have permanent injuries, light or severe. The groundwater

Artificial and Biological Intelligence

The complexity of the thought process has not been fully understood, and perhaps will not be understood for thousands of years, if ever. Thought has been historically perceived to be either analytical/logical or abstract. Abstract thought has been romanticized, perhaps deservingly. However, it is unclear to me if the abstract thought process has been understood. The underlying similarities between quantum physics and abstract thought are intriguing, wherein the minute you try to analyze a thought, it collapses. So here arises the question of the utility of AI from the point of view of trying to generate serendipity, as opposed to focused and cold computational power. I have not understood the mechanisms by which serendipity manifests itself. The question now arises if AI attempts to create an environment where serendipity can manifest itself in a synthetic, ¿artificial¿ manner, or to utilize the intelligence of machines to carry out tasks in a focused analytical manner that is rarely


Out of the many things we respect in people, humility and humbleness is something that I consider very high. We are bound to have experiences that happen to us during the time we exist in this world and this is inevitable. I do not know for sure what determines a person to have a certain experience. It could be the parents and the family he/she is born in, the community, time, place, luck, chance, etc. But we as humans tend to think that what we have seen in our little life is the greatest experience of them all. Do we necessarily have to talk about our lives to let other people know what we have done and does talking about it really help. Psychologically it can be said that it helps create a reputation among the people we interact with but sub-consciously it starts to eat away away the little bit of humbleness left in us when it shouldn't even be a factor that should account for anything. This is not to say that we should not share our experiences with others, had Buddha not share

Please watch this video - ZEITGEIST

Please watch this video. It is not meant to be political or a religious satire. It is just a point of view that we all need to be aware of.